i am tahir waseer

building better ecommerce solutions

Currently, I serve as the CTO at Medtryck, a thriving B2B e-commerce company. In this role, I focus on creating customer-centric products and guiding the growth of our talented tech team.

Before joining Medtryck, I led web development at AcclivousByte and started my career as a web developer at Bitbytez in 2014. Skilled in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP, I’m no stranger to diving into code.

A particular area of interest for me is artificial intelligence (AI). I am captivated by its potential to enhance productivity and enable us to achieve remarkable feats. In my spare time, I enjoy reading about AI and tinkering with small-scale neural networks. This hobby allows me to stay informed about the latest advancements in the field while having a bit of fun along the way.

At my core, I am passionate about harnessing technology to tackle challenges and create a meaningful impact. As the tech leader at Medtryck, I’m thrilled to learn from my colleagues and contribute to the company’s growth. I eagerly anticipate the innovations the future will bring.

If you’d like to chat, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can find me online, and I’d be more than happy to connect.

Email me @ tahirwaseer [at] gmail [dot] com.